I will be a responsible Netizen for today and for the future. That is the pledge of my heart.
Now a day we are facing different issues in the computer world. Illegal sites, pornography and even illegal transaction were accommodated in the computer. These things make the image of internet user bad to those who are cons in using computer.
But on my side, I want to change it and bring it back to the first. That using computer will help a lot to all of us. I will not entertain illegal sites, I will avoid hacking systems and even the illegal transactions. In this I can be a model to my fellow Netizens.
Even if I am playing computer games I will play in the right way. I will avoid game hacks unlike my friends that always using these systems when playing. And I will also report unusual things on the internet to the authorities if needed.
I will only post truth on my blog, to the extent that I will justify it to the world. Because by this it will serve as information to the others. In this we Netizens can prove that we are useful and not a fool. Like the others thing on us.
I will use computer in a right way. I am a Responsible Netizen in a Right way.
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